
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sweet Siblings

Our amazing children!
Life is so wonderful.
God is so gracious and merciful.
How blessed we are!

Summer 2012

Exploring this new puzzle and following a picture to create a house! 
Princess crown I made with flowers (wilting) from her great-great grandmother's funeral. A special use. :)

Sometimes they just need each other!

Got the book basket, climbed onto sofa and started reading, all on their own.
February 2014

Snacking away!

My 6:30am riser!

Laughing and giggling and hollering at his sister splashing in the mud!
He's tired but enjoying Rita's play!
Before we know it we will be a family of five! Looking forward to sharing our joy and having another baby to bring us together for more memories!

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So glad to hear from you! All conversation is welcomed, within good reason and kind intentions.